After ATPLs
What ATPL Tips Does, and Why
ATPL Tips was set up during the COVID-19 pandemic to help ATPL theory students understand the subjects better, primarily through video instruction on YouTube. Over time this has developed into offering private tuition, as well as training advice for those thinking about starting their training.
Who I Am
Tom Copestake
Tom Copestake

I'm Tom, and I run ATPL Tips. Becoming a pilot was my childhood ambition, and I left a successful career in 2019 to pursue flight training. I hold a valid CPL MEIRs with both the UK CAA and EASA, and I'm passionate about helping people reach their ambitions.

Tips & Advice
What’s Are the Exams Like?

Getting ready to sit your first ATPL exam can be pretty daunting.  Here’s an idea of what to expect, based on my experience of sitting

More Content Coming is a new arm of what we offer student pilots.  There’ll be more tips and advice appearing soon.  We’ll share it on socials when we do, so you won’t miss out.

Could We Work Together?

We’re always looking for opportunities to partner with other organisations in order to provide .  If you’d like to partner with ATPL Tips, get in touch here.

Awesome Resources

An incredible tool to help prepare for airline assessments.

The go-to website for honest reviews of flight training providers, written by students..

YouTube Stats
2000 +


55000 +


4000 +

Hours Watched

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